Back with another Muledump update for 27.7.X11.1


Mod Note: This thread was created by a user who claims to have stolen many rotmg accounts by bruteforcing their passwords. However, they claimed to also wish to want to help the community by offering updates to muledump. See below for the conversation regarding bruteforced accounts.

Given the obvious security concern, please do not download or use code supplied by this user. -Stupidity

Original Post here

Took a few hours to update muledump again. If you have any questions or issues feel free to PM me or post a comment otherwise here is the update.

In the lib folder

Replace your Renders.png with this:

Replace all code in constants.js:

Replace all code in pcstats.js:

In this update:

-Added all the new items, skins, and pet stones

-Fixed some old ids

-Changed some old pet stone sprites to updated ones

-Fixed dungeons completed ids

(For easiest and fastest update use Notepad++ for js files)


Hey Proflce,

Thanks for the update. Unfortunately, I still only get a grey screen with a little square, instead of the nice overview :slight_smile:

Since the update isnā€™t through the ā€˜officialā€™ channel, some people are worried that this might not be legit.
Iā€™ve gone through the updated source code myself and can vouch that at least there is nothing in there that could do harm.

It would be appreciated if someone else also checks it and vouches (and maybe even check how to make it work? )



Works for me: just replaced the three files as above, reload MuleDump, and all the icons are in the right place, the new dungeon stats are all present and correct.

If itā€™s not working I would suggest re-download Muledump from Github, check itā€™s all present and correct, then replace the three files.


Works for me aswell. Thanks, was getting pissed with the shitty tiles aha <3


Is there any way we can progress it into the official version? The Github thing is supposed to allow collaboration, isnā€™t it (I donā€™t really understand the forking/pull things).


Github is a bit intimidating if you are not a programmer. Someone might get around to it but I would not hold out hope waiting. Until then applying patches to files manually is effectively the same. A little more work but not that much, considering that you have to edit Muledump files to get it to work.


Iā€™m wondering if mule dump will ever work for macā€¦ :sob:


Iā€™ve been using GitHub every day for about 2 years now. Essentially, weā€™d have to make a pull request and wait for the owner or a person of power of the original repository to merge in a pull request that we make from someoneā€™s local branch. This will probably not happen due to inactivity, but a fork can be made and then published on your own as it is open source. The new muledump would have to be referenced for people to use, though.


Iā€™m using on Mac no problem. Itā€™s Javascript, CSS, HTML. Any browser released in the last five years or more should work fine, on any platform.


Wait what? Lmao the last time I tried it a thing said cannot be read on mac or somethingā€¦ Hmm Iā€™ll try it again when I get homeā€¦


I gave some tips here about getting it working:


Hi @ProfIce, thanks for this update.

In your constants.js

You have:
0x7fa3: [ā€œRudolph the Berzerk Skinā€, 10, -1, 560, 2120, 0, 750],

On my account it is: 0x7fa0



It works for most people, if you are getting the grey little square then you messed it up in some way. More people can vouch its legit and works.


I could indeed post a fork on the github but I prefer having people do it themselves so they can understand what they are doing and how.


This is also true not all people understand how github works


It completely works on Mac


This is true, I could post a fork but as I have said, I want people to not be intimidated and to know what they are putting into muledump


Okay thanks for this I will fix it in the next update


Sorry everyone for late delays, I donā€™t check realmeye forums as often as I do. If anyone needs help just PM me


please use the edit function (click the little pencil under your post) instead of making multi-posts.