Best set possible


What’s the best set possible? you can use any class, and any gear.

i’d like a warrior with cosmic + jugg + acrop + crown


ep + oreo + hydra + crown
void blade/katana(dont remember) + oreo + CC + ub def
dbow + jugg + water robe + crown

edit : add stuff


EP + Cloak of the Planewalker + Water Dragon Silk Robe + Crown (On a Wizard)


Lol basically what’s on my wizard, maybe a wizzy with fumli could be interesting, but it is hard to give up the bomb.

Edit: so wc tops wizzy with the st robe and ubhp or deca

Edit 2: Actually yeah, to second the first comment, oreo on anything would be great… like a ninja with an oreo would even be awesome, and I hate ninja lol…


Fire sword cheater robe statis orb and crown

no bamboozles xd

Knight ep oreo fire armor crown


Dbow + Gcookie + Acrop + Crown


Admin Staff || Cloak of Ghostly Concealment || Acrop || Crown (normal, ice, or admin is fine ;-))


Warrior with EP, oreo, CC, crown :smiley:


Ogmur (weapon) prot soulless crown, in a rogue


ogmur still uses up MP


With THAT attitude it will.


Class: knight

Dbow, T0 Orb, Fairy plate, crown.


Yikes well yeah at that rate:

EP, OREO, FPLATE, CROWN that would be dank.




I think you can see why this is broken…


Why hydra when you can acrop?

Anyways, I’d go with:

Pixie, Prot, Acrop, Crown


umm… dex? lol


a little more dex, also stasising everything anyway you don’t need too much def


I guess… eh, I’d like more def in that situation tbh. But until I test it, I’m not sure which would be better.


orb slot = static. dex give void blade more shot. when enemy unstatic, boom. so in this case dex > def


I would take a warrior too.
Acclaim - Standard Sword Dblade - Most DPS on higher defense enemies ASS - Normally, no, but on a warrior this becomes more useful Indomitable - Only for specific situations, but still useful Pixie - Most DPS on lower defense enemies Crystal Sword - Higher range, safer

Jugg with Ghelm

CC and Acrop

Pyra and Crown