Buff Mystic


U unaware?


Ok, I lied - though I was poor when I made my Mystic (my 8/8 Wiz had just died). I’ve rebuilt since then. Anyhoo, the point is that Mystic’s a more than viable class. It’s good fun and really powerful, when you know what you’re doing.


Hmmmmm you know, she might be! The berzerk does let her mow through gods.


I am currently playing my mystic up 1k fame and I must say I had a faster and better time doing the godlands with my necromancer.

That being said I am wearing the mystics ST set.


Booo get the T6 on there!


But the stat bonus is soooo good

10 def!


Yeah if you’re not wearing the whole set you have to ditch the ST ring and probs ST staff too, didn’t look at the numbers in detail. But no-curse and cooldown, ST orb is a great example of a well-balanced item, an upside but a downside too.


a great thing about mystic is, that the stasis and curse are great for teams, but she is also very capable solo. She has the berserk/atking, the curse can also be used for solo. The stasis can block of some annoying enemies.


Berserk buff > Wizard -15 attack

still the minor class


In my opinion, mystic is a very handy class for shatters and the stats are just fine. I feel like the class is leaned more towards support (like priest), rather than a class for pure DPS. Trust me, mystic gets better as you max it.


Mystic has the staff dps of a wizard on solo with berserk + curse


Ummmmmm…EXCUSE ME??? Did YOUUU just assume that person’s gender!!! GROSS. DISGUSTINGGGG!!!


:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: “her”


[Edit: thx @Scorchmist, reposted to make it not about that, TY.]


oh i just saw the fame value instead of the “her” part…[quote=“Nevov, post:33, topic:4213”]
thx @Scorchmist, reposted to make it not about that,

oh np. I was like. Wow.



Mystic needs no buff.


Mystic needs a nerf. :sunglasses:


True, but it’s MP-dependent (my pet’s MP Heal is crappy) and only lasts a few seconds. I far prefer Archer/Wiz for gland janitor duties.


You ask for a buff without any reasons, just because the class is hard to play? When it’s well played, it is more than OP. We don’t want to buff hard-to-master classes…


Yes 100% true.

I did a quick test, seems maxed mystic would not starts to get DPS-y, until pet lev. 50+ MP Heal,
Lev 50 you can chain about 6-7 ability uses if timed well (~9s curse, ~3s berzerk) before running out of mana.
Then obv as pet gets stronger, more chaining.
Lev 70-80 you still can’t perma chain berzerk, but can get a good long duration, esp if maxed mana.
I’d guess you hit perma berzerk somewhere in 90-100, you’d need 90MP in 3s to achieve it.