

Its like the My Cookie thread and Ask the Person Below You a Question thread had a love-child.
I never was an avid reader of the kabam forums, so I never knew if it was on there, but there’s one on the Realm Kongregate.

The premise is simple, you corrupt someone else’s wish, which is when you grant the wish, then put some horrible catch on it. After that, you wish your own wish.

IE: “I wish for an 8/8
"Granted, but you lose it in a pirate cave” etc
Of course, try and keep it relevant to RotMG

I’ll start
I wish for a CDirk

The Regular Bridge

Granted, but your PC crashes when you see the whitebag.

I wish for 100K subs.


Granted, but all your videos have a 100:1 dislike:like ratio.

I wish for a Jugg.


Granted but you are stalked by a crazed fan.

I wish for a new class.


Granted, but it’s maxed stats are all 0, so it’s a vegetable.

I wish for a use for Janus


Granted, but he shoots 10 stacked shots that take 100 damage (piercing) all over the place.

I wish for tumblr to get destroyed by 4chan.


Granted but now all the tumblr users move to 4chan

I wish for necro to be buffed


Granted, but necro unlocks when you reach 5 stars with a Wizard.

I wish for dubstep to be mainstream.


granted, but now all the mainstream pop kiddos appear on dubstep concerts, forums etc.

i wish for the next persons wish to be about pizza


Granted, but it’ll be about power pizzas
I wish for realm to give us more power pizzas


granted, but



wow that was wierd.


Granted, but the feed power is reduced to 100.

I wish for fre itenz.


Granted, but they’re all T0

I wish for higher tier rings.


Granted but its only for deca and no one else
I wish for a new dungeon that has the msellers UT set


Granted but the dungeon can only be played by buying the keys for 5000 gold.

I wish for getting white bags every dungeon.


Granted, you disconnect as soon as the white bag appears
I wish for a Year of The Mad God event


Granted, but it’s actually just rings of minor defense

I wish for A free name change


Granted, but all the good names are taken
I wish for a free character slot and vault


Granted, but any items are put into them they disappear.

I wish for an accessory similar to the admin crown.