

i would grant it but I have no idea what EA is of DLC or any of that stuffz

I wish for today to be yesterday and yesterday to be tomorrow.


Context: EA is known to charge a obscene amount of money for low content

Granted but you get confused.

I wish to be the owner of a Admin Crown


Granted but you have to sell your soul to satan to afford it

I wish for a jalapeno-themed snack


granted but you burn your tongue off

I wish for nothing


Granted, but then you get something.

I wish for a life.


Granted, now you have a kid

i wish for beter internet


Granted but someone steals all your electronic devices

I wish for a Ghost Huntress skin


granted but you get the slime wizard skin instead.

I wish for unlimited cupons


Granted but the coupons are expired.

I wish for infinite whites


granted but all you can ever get is planes and incs (yes ik its outdated but idc)

I wish for good enough internet to do a WC without lagging out!!!


Granted but you get killed every time you reach Oryx’s room.
I wish for a pen


Granted but it turns into an apple.

I wish for a QoT


Grants but it turns into a Reinforced Quiver
I wish for …


granted but nothing happens

i wish for 1 white bag


Granted, it’s Annoying Firecracker Katana

i wish for a more powerfull computer


Granted, but it has gotten a virus that destroys it

I wish for a better pet


Granted, but you accidentally release it

i wish that all of my characters are 8/8


Granted, but they all die within 3 minutes of each other

I wish that there were more whitebag uts


Granted, but they are completelly worthless and drop at a minor rate that a bulwark

i wish for a new Dungeon


granted but it’s not a good one :cry:

I wish for a good new dungeon