

Granted, but it’s burnt.

I wish @Toastrz was here to see this


Granted but its actually my friend who’s name is Toast

I wish to know all the haxors and ban them


Granted, but the haxors take 4 months each to ban, meaning it takes you 4 years to ban 12 haxors, but you cannot die until each and every one of them has been banned. (Don’t worry, RotMG probably won’t last that long)

I wish for edible, tasty, healthy food.


Granted, but it’s at the top of Mount Rushmore.

I wish for a pikachu :c


Granted, but it’s at the top of Mount Everest. Frozen.

I wish I finally got a cbow in game.


Granted but its actually a CTrap

I wish for a dbow(gotten more Cbows than dbows, shows how unlucky I am)


Granted, but it was actually a DTrap

I wish ctraps weren’t white bags


Granted but you still dont get a cbow

I wish for any white(idgaf if its just a ep or plane)


Granted, but it’s an infected skin.

I wish white bags were more common for me only


Granted, but the drop rates are increased by a mere 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001%

I wish for a good skin that’s not a slime.


Granted, but it’s one of the ones that hasn’t been released yet so the game automatically bans you for possessing an unreleased item.

I wish these forums had more engaging discussion.

A noble wish.


Granted, but the forum gets deleted.

Bring back Kablem forums



Instead you get to talk to a person who was from it.



so if you pass your wish, then…

I wish for a Dbow


Granted, but you forgot to pick it up from the bag, and it disappeared. (real story of something that happened to me xD)
I wish I could be a hairy eagle instead of a bald eagle.


Granted, you got hair in places you wish you didn’t.

I wish for Spyro to pay me more gems! MUAHAHHA


granted, but you forget why you wanted the gems in the first place

I wish for a social life outside of realm


granted, but then you dont have a realm life
i wish for @Shaxasno to notice me


Granted, but she’s not happy with what she saw.

I wish I had a life irl


Granted, but in order to have a life, you would have to stop using RE forum, so you get banned…
I wish I could do a 25 subs special face reveal like @YinYarn did!
(its a joke btw, he didnt do a 25 sub special face revreal xD)