

You get ninja’d again

I wish for winter reskins


/ Off-topic Ninja’d
For me you got ninja’d



Granted but they’re chinese

I wish for white bags


I memorized the link

Granted but they’re red

I wish for winter reskin


Granted but I still have more than you

I wish for black bags



Granted, but you’re racist

I wish I could watch youtube atm :frowning:


Granted, but realmeye is blocked

I wish for all the bags


Granted but you get douchebagston’d

I wish for a dank “what in” meme


Granted but it’s me in a hat

I wish for good loot


What in loot confiscation.

I wish for bad memes


By the way, you can do this:
Search up yt and copy link

Now go to the google translate website (must be website) and put in link, and translate it from spanish to english
Click on link


I think my teacher would notice if I started playing youtube in class t.t


so dont play sound





/ Off-topic How long is your lesson?
My is 45 mins.


100 mins


Granted but they are about harambe
I wish for A+


Granted but it’s A+ a faliure.

I wish for denk wit begs in snek pet



For @CandyShi’s convenience:
Scene 1:
Ash: I get it… so that’s why there’s nobody out on the streets here…
Pikachu: Pika… Pikachu rubbing his head against ketchup
Scene 2:
Pikachu: PIKA! jumps on table Pika… Puts ketchup on Ash’s spaghetti
Brock: But I don’t see what’s the point of fighting each other.
Ash sees Pikachu
Ash: hey! Takes ketchup Awghh!
Pikachu tries to grab the bottle
Ash raises the bottle
Pikachu tries to get bottle
Brock: Huh?
Pikachu and Ash fighting in the background
Old Man: They claim that which ever gym wins will become an official Pokemon Gym.
Ash falls onto the ground in the background
Ash: Uggasdiuhwah… that makes sense.
Pikachu: Chu! Gets ketchup bottle back
Ash: Becoming an official pokemon gym’s a big honor.
BWOOM! (cool background music effect)
Scene 3:
Misty whispers to Ash as Ash looks at Pikachu lick ketchup
Pikachu: Chu! lick Chu! lick
Ash: Uhh… I’m uhhhhh… Ketchup…
Girl: Ketchup? (You can’t see her)
Ash: Uhhh… No fold arms My name is really Tom Ado.
Misty falls on the floor in the background and the screenshakes
Misty: Wahhah! Gets Up My name… My name is Anchovy.
Screen moves to Brock.
Brock stares at dem tiddies
Misty nudges Brock
Brock: Uhhh… Oh! And my name is Caesar Salad.
Scene 4:
Pikachu and Ash walk down the hallway as Pikachu carries his ketchup bottle
Scene 5:
Pikachu licks ketchup again
Pikachu: Pi-lick ka! Pi- lick ka- chu!
Scene 6:
Scyther: SCYYYY-THERRRRRRRRR!!!1!2!!@@1one
Pikachu: Pika! Uses ketchup bottle to defend himself
Ketchup Bottle: Rips
Ketchup splashes on Scyther’s eyes
Scene 7:
Pikachu cries as he holds his broken bottle
Ranger: Now you must work for me. I need your strength.
Pikachu: Piiiiii… Slides down screen
Scene 8:
Pikachu sadly looks at half of the ketchup bottle
Ash: That Scyther is reeaaaally tough, and really scary.
Pikachu: Pika…
Pikachu slouches down.