Current RotMG Full URL


What is the current url? I’m using but it doesnt work.


You can always either, put as your link, or go on it and it redirects you to the link.

The link right now is


Ok thank you.


Niegil what’s the difference between AssembleeGameClient and AGC?



Probably the same thing, interchangeable


I use


Can’t tell if you’re joking or not, but RotMG also have a “full” url which can be used in standalone flash players. This version usually runs faster and better than the website, so many people use it instead. However, every time an update is released, the link changes. OP is asking what the new url is.


AGCLoader loads the AssembleeGameClient. So using the AssembleeGameClient link should be ever so slightly less laggy. It’s much easier to use though, with a flash player projector.

Just checked, and the link actually sends you on to the hrd AssembleeGameClient, so that’s nice.

As of now, the link it sends you to (the one I use I guess) is


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