Days Visisted


Currently on your forums stats, their is a stat called days visited. However, it shows how many days have passed since you joined the forums, not actually how many days visited. This can confuse many, such as @Selimmm. This should be fixed asahp.


Are you sure about this???

I wouldn’t know since I’ve been on every day since i joined.

Can anyone confirm?

Edit: sec i’ll check shatterbro


This would appear to be a none existent problem


Hmmm for me @Selimmm it is a problem. I joined 49 days ago, have 49 days visited even though I haven’t been here every day.


have you had the forums tab open all those days?


Hey, you didn’t get sensor ed finally xd

Shaker is correct, it counts the days you were on.


I’m very sure I joined more than 61 days ago.


Days visited is the total number of days visited. That seems straightforward.

The only reason there is an issue is because there is also a requirement for becoming a regular that includes the words days visited, but the reg requirement is limited to the last 100 days (as are all reg requirements).

You can’t see your reg requirements because you’re not supposed to see your reg requirements. It’s supposed to be about actively participating and contributing to the forum in a positive way.


Everyone seems to stress too much about getting regular…

If you just actively participate, not get too much flags, give some likes and not get banned, you’ll get regular for sure.


Basically be a hardcore forum addict and not be a troll.



also remember those likes


It’s working for me.

I joined 147 days ago. However, the Days Visited says 141.


Rebel, didnt show up for 6days!


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