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i wish i have saved down the post on why sorc is not trash, but i’ll let @bluenoser explain why its actually pretty good.

my top class



sorc, is ABSOULTELY AMAZING IN THE GROUP. Probably one of the best classes to use for a group. That scepter and the piercing wand.

A use or two of a scepter causes sb dmg on up to like 7/8 gods.
I get like a pot every 30secs in fame train (without drags).


I mean like for test chests babe, they’re useless there unless you have cwand and then they’re barely gonna get soul bound.


if sorc was trash why would I make this?:

sorc is also my highest bf char, though not my highest ever. fulmi sorc 4 lyfe. mass slow on everything without needing to aim? sign me up pls. also it does fine on chests.


are you trying to get me mad…

test chest is literally the best spot for wand classes, they literally need like 500dmg for sb…

ive gotten 3/3 shats pots as lvl 4-6 trick. And gotten 3 pots from ot event, with lvl 20 geb wand.


I don’t know how you do that because I miss test chest loot every time with my max att arch using a dbow.


Idk why you made that bc sorc is trash ;^)


if you miss the chest, turn of ally projetiles to make sure your hitting.




No I know I’m hitting they’re always off. I guess rng means “real nerds g-use sorc”


another thing my pro-sorc friend hasn’t pointed out that bears noticing, only assassin with plague does better than sorc in ffa tombs. and almost every single public tomb is ffa, so sorc loot right there.


oh, now that i think about it, i never used sorc in tombs.

IDk, archers do pretty good there too.


I use wizard for ffa tombs and I don’t have a problem. I prefer wizard in pretty much all situations you guys like sorc for, except o2.


doesnt mean sorc is a bad class


true. maybe if the game was balanced it would see more use and I would use it, but as of now, its useless to me.


that is the key point.


Fair enough. Still trash tho :stuck_out_tongue:


Im really proud of you for 8/8ing a necro, on another note. We may not agree with the sorc issue but I would pot a necro like that if i could.


yes we dont. But im not saying that you cant have your opinion. But thats what your rubbing off as.


Im just joking haha, I realize classes might not be the best damaging classes but everybody likes something different.


if “” being a jackass ironically “”==true
print "Wow stol ma witebag get repotd :::^^^))))"

if not “” being a jackass ironically “”==false