Do the Game Developers Check These Forums?


I know that the developers are not affiliated with this site, but do they look through RealmEye Forums content? I know that they look through Reddit, so are there any here?


Most likely not.


Unfortunalty they probably only look at reddit.


Let me find the official response sec.

Found it.


A couple devs review all dungeon ideas in private that are completed. Less then 1% of ideas that aren’t dungeons get considered.

Other then that, devs will browse through forums sometimes without posting.


No one knows for sure if they frequent this site. There is some evidence that they do look from time to time. But, if you want to be sure to get their attention in a forum then use reddit. If you want more direct attention for a game issue that is affecting your play then use the support which is at the bottom of your RotMG screen before you login.


I actually sent them a feedback ticket some times ago, and they told me that they indeed look at the realmeye forum.


Keep in mind this response was a while ago, and these numbers have grown.

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