Easiest Way to get high tier items when you have nothing at all


PPEs aren’t needed…

Just farm up Godlands (maybe Godlands dungeons) until you get enough to start buying the gear you need to level up your character.

PPE is just an alternative and longer path to take.


yee, but those have so many people in them


don’t let others control ur actions m8


Not to mention, if your unmaxed, the shots that go through other players and hit you. But I guess you can stray from the group and try to dodge attacks on your own.


Instead of using an archer, I would recommend wizard. One spell bomb is enough to get damage on some things, with as low as tier 2. Also, it has more range and an equal if not better damage output than archer, until you get a doom bow, or a coral/covert bow hitting all shots.


people do PPEs if they truly have nothing, or for fun.

whats the point of doing a ppe if you’re not going to follow the rules?


Thrill of the Hunt?


i guess you could say that. many of my guildies do it for enjoyment or if they got nothing


Some time before pets, bored players invented the NPE, or New Player Experience. The idea was to start off completely fresh and see how far you could go without trading or getting free stuff.

Then when pets were implemented, some players thought it’d be fun to try the same thing but while keeping their main pet, and that’s how the PPE was born.

We’d need somebody to pull the old NPE thread on the WS forums from the Wayback Machine, because I’m not 100% sure of how the nomenclature came to be. I think it was originally named “Pro Player Experience” as a joke (because obviously starting off fresh isn’t as much of a challenge with 1000 Vit and 800 Wis right off the bat), but my memory is getting quite fuzzy after all this time.


Your history lesson/memory matches up quite well with mine.

I’d forgotten the Pro Player Experience use, thx for the reminder.


This one? Because most of it isn’t archived; I checked.

However, according to @NeutralMan, this was the first PPE, and he originally called it “Pro Player Experience”.


This is the thing I’ve learned from my experience. (2 years)

PPE’s are worth it, but you should break some rules. Say you come along and someone is willing to donate a T4 shield when you have a T3 one. Accept it and move on. The point of PPE is to enhance your skills and not paying to get any of your items. People tell me accepting the small donations are wrong, but I would say otherwise. I however, if starting a PPE would not accept the higher donations such as T11 Items or T5 abilities and upwards. I believe that doing this will help hone your ability. Recently, I’ve been slacking and instead of doing PPE’s, have merched to get old tops for my knight and max its def that way. I think that everytime I do that, my experience in the game goes down because I’m taking things for granted and it shows me that I depend too much on good gear. I’d also like to start gaming without my pet once in a while so that I can improve my dodge rates and not depend on my pet. Usually, I’d do dungeons and let meaningless hits damage me because I know my pet will be there for me but this probably decreases my skill. I’d recommend doing a PPE with the steps I have included and later, doing a NPE when your a bit more skilled. I am always looking for PPE partners and would be glad to help you.


Yeah, I haven’t really scraped the bottom of the barrel since like June but I can farm fast enough that channeling my inner cheap asian to get easy speed and dex for shitty t7 itens isn’t worth. But yeah, t8-9s (t8 weapon t9 armor) and t4 abilities and t3 rings are perfectly useable and you can farm with them to get (which can trade for higher tier itens (OP said high tier itens)) or tops (wc and shatters, shatters are chests but wc is class dependent.)


Luck? I only got expo at 4/8 iirc on my priest, which got killed by lag 2 stats later. What is this luck you speak of? I don’t remember getting a top in the priest’s last 5 or so wcs.