Exa Att, expo, or para HP?!


Hey Guys,

I have these three rings atm and a 4/8 rogue- which one should I use?

Quick answers are really appreciated


Expo, great use on rogue, defense cause rogue is kinda squishy, health because rogue is squishy, and mana, if you don’t have a good mheal pet.


my pet gives me 13 mheal and It works pretty fine with my plane- so between these three rings expo would be the best?


In my opinion, expo is a very good ring for rogue, and better than the other two you brought up


Expo as long as you can’t permacloak, para Hp when you can, Exa Atk if you feel like high risk/high reward is the way to go.


kk, thanks guys, since I can only cloak 4 or 5 times until im out of mana ill use expo and switch it out with exa att…its just that I have really bad experiences with the expo XD(mostly my char. dying when I use it :stuck_out_tongue: )


or wait, ill change the question up a bit: expo or Exa HP? :DD


Can you dodge?
Yes - exa hp (though I prefer def > hp my opinion)
No - expo


I can dodge pretty well, especially with almost maxed speed- ill consider buying an exa hp then

you said Exa def might be better- that is true for some chars. but also on the rogue?


When I say def, I mean a ring that provides both def + hp (expo, pyra <-- most recommended imo, bracer)

Exa def can be good if you run a spectral set, (which makes you squishier) but I think that expo still would be a better bet (as always, this is entirely my opinion)


I’d say expo and exa att for chests/bosses. In my opinion expo>exahp on robe classes expo=exahp on leather and expo<exahp on melees. (I don’t really use any other defensive ring besides expo/pyra/exahp/ubhp)


Really big THANK YOU to all of you, i will consider ur opinions

…and blame you if I die ;D


Exaatt if you have a good pet


Exa Att - Max DPS

Expo - N o good pet

Para HP - Scared of dying


Depends on your pet. If you can perma-cloak, or if you are pretty close, you should use para hp or exa att. Exa att might be a good swapout for when you cloak, so you get higher dps.


I don’t know why (well… kay I suck at dodging) but I like expo on rogue because it seems less squishy than with a HP ring.

As a rogue, you’re supposed to not get hit because stealth is your game, but I get hit tons so the def feels nice.


i like hp over def because of things like white demons with the 45 armor piercing, and also when you are armor broken more hp is good


EXPO pick expo…


Expo is good, just keep an exa att in your inv and switch out when you need dps


Thank you very much guys… was doing a very tiring belladonas so I forgot I was using plane- tped right on her and got popped…