[Forum Game] Level Up!


Level 2!


Listens to hand clap level 3


baptized by staples lvl 4


If staplers resurrect me, i dont go back down to level 1, i stay in level 20… but oh well too late now

@JawsJakt add that 7th death to op already xo


gets a drivers license
level 5


Isn’t old enough.
Level 1


Gets a stapler license Level 2


Staple a kendo stick to a hand

Level 3


Kendo stick gives dank white bags

Level 4


You accidentally feed all your white bags and you get an OP pet that has level heal.

Level 5


you release your pet
level 6


Kry(see what i did there?) in the corner

level 7


Does not understand
Level 8


Tells you what it means(Kry is a top player and a white star, old player)

Level 9


Level 10


Rush an abyss
Level 11


you kill @JLTheBeast
Level 12


I put bleach into @Flamebom’s Water.
Lvl 13


@JLTheBeast still dies anyway

Level 14


grabs popcorn
level 15