[Forum Game] Level Up!


Gets rekt by Purple Blob things while escaping from a Spoopy Sphere.

Level 1


goes onto backup char

level 12


Kill avatar but natts.

level 13


dies from koolkid2002 ent sitting



and you were that priest in one of koolkid’s vids that had a bulwark

lvl 1, depression lvl 9000


You manage to do a 3-man trench on level 13 and get a ctrap.

level 14


Ctrap is sad
You do another OT and get an actual white
Level 15


You sit on the fountain in the nexus and it turns you on.



You sit on the washing machine at home and
Level 17


Stub toe, level 18


Sorry guys, I want this too bad…

Level 19




I want to congratulate everybody worldwide for this massive achivent.


The combination of worldwide congratulations and a triple-post is too much to bear, heart attack, die

Oh and this

That has a secret clause where you die if you do the thing, so


we perma-ban @Keenanryan from the forum for not following the rules.
lvl 2


(why would we ban him did he do something bad?)

leeches udl
gets dbow



yes, he broke the rules of the game.

reasons with @Ilikzerice
lvl 4


rem bot is op

lvl 5


Still here.

You eat a sock and your now level 7


you follow the rules of the game,

level 6


i saw @Selimmm on YT.
level 8