[Forum Game] The Never Ending Story


The fckboi…


that was me i saved up my dex for like ayear, got the gear, maxed def, got instapopped bc i thought i was invincible


and oryx’s hand


Was chopped off by a katana held by a pair of hands belong to a ninja


who causes the complete destruction of the nexus,leaving the player with no save place in this realm


But his hands got cut off by


A beach bum.

They were not actually cut off, but bitten in greasy salvia that corroded his hand.

So he now has a wooden hand.

Since the nexus is screwed, the knight (fukboi) decided to


Cut off his own hand in attempt to…


create a pile of cut off hands ,to revive the nexus


But it was too late because the Walking Christmas Tree Legion invaded…


Which made the realm look like Christmas again despite DECA’s wishes…


to make over 9000 dollars…


For msellers


and then a white dragon appeared out of the complete random and for no reason whatsoever!


and everyone loses their best character because of it


The white dragon


was magnificent and strong.


It also had


a pile of gold and gems


stolen from the Emerald dragon