Guild invite problem


Guild problem

when ever i invite someone to my guild and they accept it pops up saying “Unable to join: not a member guild”

anyone else having this problem?

Is it that i have to wait for a whole day after i created the guild in order to invite people


hmm, never seen this problem, but there are tons and tons of guild glitches that pop up.

I had one where it promoted people to leader randomly.


Sometimes very strange glitches can happen with guilds if the guild has a very similar name to another guild.

Also, if all members of a guild left and someone created the guild again becoming the new Founder, I’ve heard cases of very strange occurrences like the ones you guys have mentioned.


one of the glitches i heard from i think @shatter was that when your guild has a space in its name, more glitches show up


Yeah, that kinda goes hand in hand with the “similar name” problem that I referenced. I have a feeling that on the guild creation event, they do a “pluck” on the field (which stores the name in the database as for example: TombRaiders instead of Tomb Raiders). This can help with validation on empty fields and storing them as nulls in the database instead of empty strings, however, when the data is taken out of the database from the server back to the client, there’s a good chance that it compares guild “A B C D E” with guild “ABCDE” and not recognize the difference.

This has happened before on a several occasions that I was involved in.


Your guild looks like it has a bunch of members now.

I guess this problem fixed itself randomly?


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