Here is a Muledump update for the past couple versions


Mod Note: This thread was created by a user who claims to have stolen many rotmg accounts by bruteforcing their passwords. However, they claimed to also wish to want to help the community by offering updates to muledump. See below for the conversation regarding bruteforced accounts.

Given the obvious security concern, please do not download or use code supplied by this user. -Stupidity

Original Post here

In the lib folder

Replace your Renders.png with this:

Replace all code in Constants.js:

If you have any trouble or need more help, either comment below or send me a message.
I will be updating all the coming versions and making sure they are up to date.

This was also posted on the rotmg subreddit:

edit: Currently not working, something wrong with the new line of code. Trying to fix it now, also will put in items and skins I missed.

edit: I added pretty much everything and fixed the coding, Comment or PM me if there are any problems

edit: Fixed the Necro so the correct max stats are fixed. Thanks to JonassMann


This doesn’t feel much like Tech Support, going to move it to community hub for the time being.


I mean I thought it would be considering that it is a help to players in the technical field of rotmg.


Agreed. Gonna move it back for now although other regs feel free to override.


[Yeah, since this doesn’t appear to be an official Muledump release and is more a Frankenstein-ian patchwork, I think Tech Support is more appropriate since the users need to have a bit more of a clue as to what they’re doing. OB]


Thats what I thought well awesome thanks for the clarification


Is this in the official GitHub yet?


I don’t know how to upload it into the official atomizer github thats why I’m just leaving it here and on reddit.


Btw, this doesn’t account for the necro buff. You will need to change line 1512 from:
0x0321: [“Necromancer”, [100, 100, 12, 0, 10, 15, 10, 12], [575, 290, 40, 0, 29, 43, 19, 40], [670, 385, 60, 25, 50, 60, 30, 75], [17, 19, 14, 9]],
0x0321: [“Necromancer”, [100, 100, 12, 0, 10, 15, 10, 12], [575, 290, 40, 0, 29, 43, 19, 40], [670, 385, 75, 25, 50, 60, 30, 75], [17, 19, 14, 9]],

Edit: If people want to do this manually without a program like notepad++, line 1512 is 7th from the bottom.


I focused so much on adding all the new stuff, I totally forgot to check the classes. Thanks I will fix it.
