How do people know you by?


Sure, lol.


ruined his pic. Always just looked like a clutter of darkness

(get the pun)


At least he can see through the darkness now.

(get the pun)


The single knight eye sheit :smile:


I wish I was well known


I mean 5k subs is still a freaking solid effort though!


you are, but GZHD is just more well known


wow, my posts screwed up my best comment section


If itā€™s any relief, I have honestly no idea who you two are.


0_o ā€¦

Do you know Techmech (Spencer) and Rotmg Troller (Kool Kid 2002) is?


might want to add a NSFW tag to prevent a flag


Yes, because Iā€™ve laughed at them and their fans in the past. If youā€™re a RotMG Youtuber and stay in your little corner making PPEs and loot montages instead of making yourself look like a complete dumbass, chances are I wonā€™t know you.


So you only know the dumbasses? I feel that most known ytubers are dumbasses.

But actually a complement for RMG to not know you.


Speaking of which:

I think the main reason why I donā€™t know many RotMG Youtubers outside of stupid drama is because itā€™s not a deep enough game for other peopleā€™s gameplay to be truly interesting, and also because most RotMG Youtubers arenā€™t doing anything creative with it anyway, thus I just donā€™t have any reason to search for RotMG videos on Youtube.


so true, all the same things,

only white bags, moments, deaths, giveaway, tutorials that are often bad.


@AquaSync spamming likes.


he also hasā€¦cute comments?


I supposeā€¦




Too many likes given, yet so little received.