How do people know you by?


that one kid who got 8 flags in one day(@consolemc), friend(school friends @rasektor @risguy @enteruser @ wuggletuff


only 8? wow…

poopythell almost gave me like 500,

ive given like 10 before.


why are you still a regular then?


The flags have to come from unique users; two people giving one flag is counted the same as one person giving 5 flags and another giving one. So 5 (or whatever the number is) unique users have to flag someone for them to not be able to make regular.


giving flags, no where did it say i can lose regulare for that

but he didnt

yeah, talks about that on the discourse web site, quite interesting read actually.


You were lucky Efnui was the last one on both of the threads I flagged.

I’m waiting tho


for wha?


im known as a disease because i act like one and everyone loves me





also why am i 50 star on forums? i’m 57 star in the game…


Log in and out of the forum, and wait a bit, your star will change eventually


thanks :slight_smile:


If you were to flag things wrongly, often enough, you could lose Regular, it seems.

How do people know me by though? Difficult to answer, different things to different people, I’d guess.




but is that just not an opinion? what benefits do we get from flagging? only negatives now it seems.

Also some people find different things offensive than others do.


that white star who isnt rude (aka a miracle)



just wow…


your fine too


what about

@shatter @rmgnoob (lol) @Bluenoser

well, ik its just a stereotype and you dont mean every, but funny thing is i feel red is worse than white.

Ik lots of very nice white stars


fine i concede