How do people know you by?


that one nasty kid leader in fellowship (also owner of multiple discords)


To answer the topic, most of my guildies call me Bernie.


Merching god.


ahemā€¦ @Scorchmist


oh my this threadā€¦

oh shit @Merlonen is here!

i guess its changed a bit
order of how often

1- that guy on forums, who is " on literally every thread". Happens a lot actually.
2- cancerous offers .ca
3- the real scorchmist (rn its actually #1)
4- fck, he dies a lot
5- lol, someone called me the white star of regen, which is a lower level guild which has no other whites stars rn.


More seeing you like the forumā€™s ancient, great shitoffer master (but rich), dying quite often and with a lot of fake himself (could count up to 10 on the discord) (actually was one for about 20 sec).

But mostly, a great forumer.


Except the @Scorchmist thread :wink:




People donā€™t know me

forever alone :bust_in_silhouette:


thats 95% me


I know that you exist but surely I donā€™t make up 5%?.. Exposedā€¦ Forever Alone


you remember

but you donā€™t remember me? Iā€™m a regular that has replied to you 36 times. I am honestly not surprisedā€¦ :cry:


what the heck, i posted that in november, but you join in november


excuses, excusesā€¦ (that explains alot)


People call me annoying





People prob know the as the toaster with a number as a name


Known for my forum postsā€¦

I even do people asking me questions about the forums, or how I made my avatarā€¦

Also @LordDscale - Yay! Your attack pot worked!
The rouge died, but I managed to get an acclaim and gcookie from it ^^


Although my real name is Cenamuch, people call me Cenamuch