How fast does the key of light shoot


a key of light spawned on me while i was running up to Janus from clearing the statues and it killed me instantly and i have 700 plus health on knight :confused: I’m really confused on how the fuck that add up because wiki says 10 shots and each hit is 60 damage :confused:


Sounds like you have a case of death salt.

There are countless numbers of ways you could have died tbh.

I do empathize though. All I can say is make sure your connection is secure and your browser/flash projector memory is good to avoid any potential lag issues.

Moved to whine cellar.


-Gasp- The key of light??? It’s said, in the beginning of the Rotmg days, there was a rare phenomenon of light that would hit a player, destined to succeed…to possibly be the greatest, but this phenomenon is so rare that catching it on video would be rare…There was another tale of this creature being an unknown sprite…

Edit: I wrote this having no idea what they key of light actually is in game :I


moved out of whine cellar b/c i dont think its just salt (not that much anger but more curosity), but actually discussion about key of light, someone else can move back if they want.


Me every math test


The Key of Light wiki page is empty ;-; but for the Key of Darkness, it says it shoots 15 shots of 60 damage each which is 900 total.

I can’t seem to find shot patterns on the static.drip, anyone know where to find it?

Also anyone’s whose interested can fix up the wiki for Key of Light because it has nothing.


ahh it must be the same as the dark key because they’re just different colors but thanks for clarifying the shot count


Yup 15 shots = 900 damage. You probably got insta’d like that, looking at how dank that knight was.


I feel your pain…My first 6/8 knight w/ first dblade died to a key of light. :frowning:

Check my graveyard xD


yeah i’d have to be 8/8 with ogmur or deca ring and fairy bummers


omg ur secretly BTEL omg wowa


my 5/8 knight got sat on by key of darkness. didnt know it could jump so fast. i stunned but it still shot me


I saw a knight die yesterday to the key of light lol.
It’s this new lag issue currently happening right now.


Lost a 1/8 (def), nearly 4/8 Assassin to one not long ago. It was my first Janus in a long while, around when the Puppet Master Encore was released, and I was just not expecting it. Easy to avoid when you know about them: they start at fixed locations and move slow. Just don’t sit where they are about to spawn.


I wouldn’t necessarily say slow because they jump towards the center. But yes, their movements are quite predictable. You know that they’ll jump back and forth from the set locations to the center so just don’t be in their paths (which is still a lot of space to maneuver around).


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