I might make a dungeon idea


What would be the best area to put it in?

  • Early-Game
  • Mid-Game
  • End-Game
  • Post-Shatters

0 voters

I’ll add another poll once there have been 10 voters.
note for you: dont expect it to be puffagod(ofgods) level. or even kong level at that


What area? What does this mean


Dont make one at all.


Im not scaling stats. I dont even know what the dungeon will be, so im putting up a poll so i know where and what i could put/make it


I want a pcave reskin


Okay people voted earlygame at first so i will comply
what is the place going to drop from?[poll name=poll2]

  • Lich
  • Ghost King
  • Ent Ancient
  • Deathmage
  • Phoenix Lord
  • Oasis Giant


okay ill try


It’s a community created idea so when the idea flops, OP can blame us for giving them the idea.

Real clever.


No i just have no ideas.
Im not creative.
and the dungeon will be bad (thats a promise( i think(what if its not(stop putting more parenthesis this isnt inception(you’re not my mom(yes i am(okay mom :cry:)))))))


Depends on your dungeon theme!

Ent Ancient - Trees, Forest (Although we already have 3), Nature, Animals
Ghost King - Scary (Although we already have a lot), Ghosts, Kingdom
Oasis Giant - Magic
Lich - Souls, Ghosts, Evil, Magic
Deathmage - Ghosts, Souls, Death, Graves
Phoenix Lord - Birds, Nature, Birth, Eggs


then don’t force it. if it doesn’t come naturally it’s just going to hurt trying to make it and it won’t be pleasant to read when it’s finished.


"it wont be pleasant to read when its finished"
Thats what im aiming for.(i think)


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