I will be your slave!


Msg me in rotmg and i will follow you around protecting you.

I am not very strong, but if you take me in i will grow stronger and one day be level 5!


oh yes please


im not on rn
but please


K. plz duo shatts with me.


just msg me on rotmg


Make me a sandwich!


tp to me when im on priest in godlands the gods are very scary so i need you to help me kill them


msg me in game


I guess nobody wants to enslave me


What is the point of this


Hmm… a new slave?

Kill yourself!

just kidding.


Sorry, but this isn’t going to work unless you either get a Shoveguy/DecoratedPaladin skin.


irish slaves


okay sounds good. do i need to supply gear for the servent :slight_smile:




i cant get on rn :confused:
i’ll be on later tho


This made my day xD


Do you play on EU servers?

If so, you found your new master!


i can play on any server


Then be my slave for the few times that I can play on sync!

Decoy pets are really overrated.