Iconic Bosses turned into adorable 8x8 pet skins


Miniature Boss Pet Skins

I know, I know, more cosmetic content ideas is not what people really want to see, but really thats what I like to make. I thought this might be worth sharing; I’ve had these lying around for a while and with the new update adding dropping pet skins from I thought it might be a good time to share. It could be cool to have a rare pet skin drop from the bosses they’re based off, right? The best way to show your’e dominance and success in defeating an enemy is to enslave it and have it follow you around, just look at Pokemon.
So, fellow realm players, is creating these a worthwhile thing to do? Am I the only one who still thoroughly enjoys new cosmetic content? And do you have any suggestions or improvements?
Happy Realming.


the lil hermit :blue_heart:





Those look really good. I mean, just look at that little ponycorn. @UnicornSla, change your profile picture to that now!


Really nice! I especially love the Ghost Ship and Hermit pets!



Eh, the hermit’s eyes are off centered, triggerering my OCD SKRRREEEEEEEEEEEE

Desire troll loots a little uneven, but still pretty kool, and the unciorn looks gud.
I don’t even know what the sarco looks like.

Overall, you could’ve done better.


Take a like on Reddit, take on like on Realmeye!


pharaoh looks like someone has puked it ((colors))

otherwise, preety nice!


Make a cute oryx next!


isn’t there a lil’ Oryx already in the game?

edit* nvm, the little cute oryx i remembered isn’t so little anymore, or cute :slight_smile: https://www.realmeye.com/wiki/pets-prior-to-release-12-0-0


It’s not cute enough! Plus, I’d like the new improved lil oryx to be shown from all side, front, left, right and back. @Septr I’m able to pay in cold hard Lifes :wink:


wow those skins look nice!


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