Ideas for marking people on Realmeye


I was thinking of having “Trusted” mark, like scammer or cheater, that shows you are friendly and trustworthy. However to not abuse it i was thinking of having it so only yellow/white stars and with 3+ years of account exsistence can mark someone as trustworthy. And with like 100-1000 trusted marks your realmeye name gets a heart (same place where it shows if they are a scammer or not)


This would only work in a perfect world where everyone acted the way they should.

But ironically, that world wouldn’t need this system.

First of all, playing 3+ years and being a high rank doesn’t make you a trustful person. It just means that your knowledge of the game is probably at least modest.

You could easily be a scamming/hacking player. And now you’ve just been given power to dictate others.

People would simply pay items to receive a “trusted” status from others, then use this however they want to.

This idea is like breaking your car window just so that little smudge will disappear.


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#Welcome to the forum @Icemourne!!
Have a :cookie:


well with this, every youtuber would be trusted, even rotmg troller.


@Trofimowen I see your argument but couldn’t that just as easily be applied to the current Mark as Scammer system as well?

If so, what would be the difference between the two functions; other than one being used to assign a negative tag to a person vs. a positive tag.


To be honest, i’m not 100% sure on the exact function of realmeye’s current tagging system.

How many people does it take exactly?

Does it stop people who’ve been reported to give others the status of a scammer?

Does anyone verify the scamming tags?

I was more or less attacking the idea of rank and seniority deciding who’s able to decide whether or not someone’s a scammer.

The system in general is flawed, but to give the power onto specific people is even more broken.


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