Item Giveaway - Raffle


Hey man i was messagig you on rotmg. bu u werent responding anything of the free items is fine for me. Please meet me as sson as possible


You guys do know that it’s probably a prank, right?
Zlushy would never quit like that.


Yea just realized.


Is Zlushy an adult? and i can teven find his realm page


fre itenz


Fre memes plz


gimme itenz i will staple you


Can I have a pixie and soulless robe? thx


Free items plz my first 6/8 huntress just died from getting dragged on


If you AFK in realms, you probably deserved to die…


need itenz now


i neds pixie nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


Hello, I need fre itemz plox. Why yu ask? Cuz I need. Etherite plox.


Can i has fri itenz?


fri itenz pl0x


I’ll never take your items, they reek of your opinions, which offend me.


If I’m offending you, then I’m doing something right :wink:


gimme pixi ploxxxxxxxx

who won?



Locked by OP request.