Make Oryx’s Greeting Message Vary


#Make Oryx’s Greeting Message Vary

You guys know how when you enter a realm, Oryx says You are food for my minions? After a while, it gets a little bland and frankly, boring.

This idea would simply allow the game to vary the greeting messages (rotational):
Welcome to the end of your life!
You are only stalling death. Come, we welcome you as food!
Darkness will evidently befall on you!

For any of you doubters who are constantly trying to find exploits to ideas… I find this idea very hard to exploit, unless you’re like DECA and want to make a completely unusual message, like: _Come, my sunshine! Let’s go and party all day!_



Me gusta.

Maybe on April Fool’s day or some special event?


“My puppets require life essence to continue preforming”


Frankly I’ve gotten to the point where I ignore these messages, but what I’ve noticed (and I posted this in the “favourite quote thread”) is that the call-outs containing your name catch your attention more.

To quote, erm:

Come closer UnicornSla, yes closer!

A nice fun little idea, but of course, people will still eventually get bored because there’s only so many lines you can put in.

Maybe you could do something that correlates to the amount of fame / stats maxed you have?

UnicornSla, you filthy peasant, you are fit only to be food for my hobbit mages! (example of low fame, low stats-maxed character)

Minions! We have a mighty warrior amongst our midst… let us feast and consume his soul! (example of high fame/stats char.)


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