Never have I ever (for real this time)


Never have I ever cooked a meal for my family.


Never have I ever considered myself to be an active member of a subreddit.


Never have I ever made a grocery run alone.


Never have I ever watched/used Netflix.


Never have I not not not not not not not not ever attended after school sports.


Never have I ever risked my life for someone else.


Never have I been chosen first in games with 2 captains. :frowning:

( hope you get it )


I play water polo and used to be a goalie so I got picked first a few times :slight_smile:


Never have I ever snapped my fingers


oh thank the heavens another person like that exists. my entire life I have been unable to snap my fingers no matter how hard I try and no one believed me when I tried explaining it. instead they’d always just say “bruh just do this” and then I did that and nothing ever happened. and with younger me being a particularly anxious and self-conscious person there was genuinely a time where I felt afraid any time someone mentioned snapping fingers in case they’d somehow expect me to do it.


I was that way for whistling and any form of blading for a good chunk of my life. I learned to snap about half my life ago, but it’s not my favorite

I can’t wiggle my ears, though (nor do I have the desire to)


I got no problem snapping but I can’t whistle for the life of me


Never have I solved a 6x6 Rubik’s cube


I can only solve 3x3 myself


never have i ever whistled


I can do the “whistle while you work”-style whistle, but I want to learn how to do those obnoxiously loud whistles that you hear during applause or at a sports game.


Never have I ever double-dipped in chip dip


I guess you could say I have, but I’ve only done it when I’ve gotten some out in a separate bowl for just myself


Never have I eaten school lunch, home lunch only.


I haven’t done that but I have quite frequently eaten ice cream directly out of the tub. it was always either mine only or when I was intending to eat all the rest though