New Dagger Concept Dagger Mist


alright ill rework my last concept.


But hey, DPS calculator isn’t only that :stuck_out_tongue:


Great Meme xD


Dagger of Mist and Death:

How’s this? Mist on the top half, death on the bottom half.


Doesn’t look bad. May I use it?


That was the whole point of making it! Of course you can use it.

(Just give some credit, thanks!)


I almost forgot that gem…


where does it drop?

2 shots on a dagger is unique!
but go check out the dps chart.

the black one is yours and it only accounts for that damage IF YOU LAND BOTH SHOTS


It ignores defense on the enemy.


stupid overpowered it will never happen


that looks like a bloody albert einstein wig. in fact, that’s what I thought I was looking at at first


wait a second, did you just add that or am i retarded? and u want me to remake the dps chart?


i would love to be able to use this dagger on a rogue
fast as fok boi


Well I think it’s a great idea :heart:


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