New Player Looking for Fun and Noob Friendly Guild


Hey guys, I’m a new RotMG player and I’m looking to join a guild to make some new friends in the game. I have all VOIP platforms so that won’t be an issue. A little bit of background on me, I like to play more competitive games and most games I strive to be the best player I can be, my main game is League of Legends which I’m diamond in, got diamond in Overwatch, I play a bit of runescape, I was global elite in Counterstrike and played on an Intermediate team in ESEA. As you can see I play a huge amount of games, mostly looking for a guild where I can just have some fun, meet new people and learn about this interesting game.


I like how everyone completely ignores these kinds of messages. Good luck @TheRealApe finding a guild


Welcome to the forums @TheRealApe!!
Have a :cookie:


@Selimmm you did it wrong.

#Welcome to the forums @TheRealApe!
Have a :cookie:!

@TheRealApe usually, most guilds won’t accept new players. If you have friends that play RotMG, you could try guilding with them. Otherwise, I’d suggest getting better and improving to at least red star, with at least a 4/8+ char or death, as many good guilds would accept you then. In general, during early stages of playing, guilds aren’t really necessary. Regardless, good luck!


I can’t “do it wrong” as I was the one that spread around the welcoming spirit in the first place. that first line doesn;t have to be in big bold letters, that’s up to the welcomer.




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