New scam


So this guy tried to scam me.

He messaged me, saying he wanted to buy my ancient spell pierce, and offered a ridiculous overpay for it.

When i traded him, it kept saying “Trade Error.”

He then said “lets try it in the cloth bazaar,” and i started recording.

Note how he keeps dropping some sort of soulbound item, before trading me, then eventually tried to get me to drop the spell.

Idk how this works, but i thinks its a glitch.

Anyways, just a heads up. Im not even 100% sure that he was actually trying to scam me, but im still pretty sure of it.


just don’t drop your items and you’re fine.
theres lots of scams nowadays :frowning:


(I mean that part of the picture that shows the game is unnecessarily small and one therefore cant read the chat)


Ooh that’s bad. That guy must’ve scammed people from all over.


Also did you report him to DECA?


No, but i tagged him i think.


Same thing I guess… idk


its a video.


Of course it is.


its actually due to the use a of a hack client, he is equipped a selected item using 1-8 keys during trade, causing a trade error. this used to be a devious duping method.


oh. thanks for the info.


then he pretends to only trade u his itemz to make u trust him and it doesnt work so he asks u to only trade your item and he takes it


Report him to DECA with the video.

plz ban plz ban plz ban


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