OBS does not seem to wanna capture realm


So I am trying to livestream my ppe thru twitch and every time I try, OBS shows nothing but a black screen and my cursor that I have set for realm, anyone know how to fix?

(Realm is in Flash projector.)


Screen shots would help, though I doubt I can help with it (been playing on Mac for years, just got a windows machine though :smiley: )


I use a window capture, non full screened realm


okay thanks I’ll try that


us microsoft expression encoder
Its the best screen recorder


Bro I bought that but it glitched, my card got charged but I got stuck with the lite version. Microsoft needs to go fuck them selves.


if u go on youtube and search, u can just type in a free code…


Ty try ty txt tytyttytyt


Make sure you add ‘New scene’ if you haven’t already - then go into setting I think it Is and find something about ‘capture’

Idk, haven’t streamed since Halloween so ._.


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