Orion's Lair (dungeon idea)

Orion's Lair

So recently I have been thinking about a new dungeon called Orion's Lair. So it's kind of like Puppet Master's Encore but it's a tottally different boss.

This is how the main boss looks!

When you enter Orion gives a little taunt while on shield. Orion has a total of 70000 hit points. He then sends sword slashes at the nearest player while chasing them, if you get hit its -75 hp armor broken! After 1/4 hit points are finished he yells "YOU'RE MAKING ME ANGRY!" He then goes the the middle of the room and keeps spawning 5 mini Orion's every second. Mini Orion's do 20 damage not armor breaking. After all Mini Orion's are done (Mini Orion's apear for 30 seconds) Orion chases after you hitting you with a white ball wich does 250 damage that also stuns and quiet's you. He also does some shots around him in a circle dealing 100 armor broken, confused, quit, stuned and armor broken! Orion does this until he has 1/4 hit points left. He goes in rage phase where he goes about 65 speed while slashing his sword with 150 dexterity!! He does this until he has 1500 hp left. He yells "THE MAD GOD WILL AVENGE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!" He then drops you your well earned loot. He drops in purple bag t4-9 items. in cyan t10-13 items. In blue he drops def atk mana or life. And last in white bag he drops Orion's Godly Sword of Heavenly Use. The sword does 255-800 damage. it armor breaks and gives a extra 5 defense, 3 speed and 10 dexterity.

Thats my own dungeon, comment what you think, and i know the picture is ugly af.


At this forum, we only accept complete ideas. This is a paragraph of randomness, without any sprites, needed information, or any description and explanation. This is highly unorganized and no one will want to look at the big paragraph. Also,

That’s a joke right?


You’ve used “armor broken” twice.

This shot is a mega op shot and you should at least make the bullet speed lower, range lower, or take off some status effects.

Isn’t the range a little too big?

Pretty sure that it shouldn’t drop life because if a ranged character maxes speed, dexterity, and attack, he can probably solo the dungeon in about 20 minutes.

That is a WAY too op sword, because it can break armor. With maxed dexterity, defense, and attack, it is possible to dominate gods in 2-3 seconds and O2 in 10 minutes.

I’d say that it is really hard and overpowered dungeon, but it kind of balances with the rewarding items. One thing however, there isn’t a proper sprite for the boss and there isn’t a thing where it drops from. For effort, I think I would give you a C- or C. It was a pretty good idea though, just need some sprites and a few tinkers.


Love u too!





Extremely incomplete, not a pixelated sprite. Really messy explanation.



this idea makes me wanna quit realmeye forums…


that’s a pretty legit sprite, remind me to throw all my creative talent out the window next time I make sprites and they might be able to compete

enter what? what’s the room like?

you know monsters don’t have dex or speed stats, right?

I can tell you didn’t look at the big paragraph either. this is highly unorganized, but there’s more information than you’re giving him credit for.

nevertheless, it still is highly incomplete, and needs significant work.

then leave the ideas section, this is not a place for the faint of heart. this is where true men go to die.


You sure twelve lines of unorganized text is going to make a whole dungeon?



Tf is that drawing, not even pixelated


Here you go:

Isn’t it beautiful?


This is why we need a WIP category for #ideas.


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