Patch Notes 27.7.X11 - The Guildening


Yeah, you’re right. I’m freaking out. -.-

Wait everyone is on day 3 except for me D:


It’s not a problem with servers.

I logged in with a mule on the final hours of february 28th to see what the fuss was all about, but, of course, I couldn’t claim any rewards (february 28th by USS3 time, you can see the server time on the top of the login rewards calendar, as in CandyShi’s picture). I waited a few hours and when it was march 1st, I still couldn’t get any reward with my mule and I didn’t even try it with my main, as people were shouting here on the forums that the calendar was bugged. Fast foward to when the bug was fixed and I claimed the reward from day 1 with my main as expected, but I got the rewards from day 1 and 2 with my mule. As a result, right now my mule is on day 3 of the calendar and my main is on day 2.

My speculation is that what happened has probably something to do with the fact that I tried claiming the reward when the calendar was bugged with my mule and Deca decided to throw in a little bonus for my supposed frustration with a bug. Please call me out if anything I just wrote doesn’t make sense.


So when does it go to the next day? Give me the time and the area (like 4:00 PST)


That won’t be necessary. Maybe “correct me” would be better


Refreshes at 0:00 UTC


I think this is the reason your main was bugged. You didn’t sign out when the day changed.

Don’t worry though, you can miss 2 days and still get all the rewards.


We have to be signed out when the day changes?


I’m not sure, but in my mind, it probably screws with your account data in game if the login period is exactly at 12:00 UST.


No, I didn’t even log in with my main on the 28th. I only logged in when I was sure the calendar bug was fixed.


Wait a minute…if you’re a day behind, does that mean you can’t collect the character slot because it’s on the last day?


There are 29 rewards.

31 days in march


Oh yeah I’m stupid


Flash player 18 is faster than 24


idc xdd


lol 2 days ago, I logged in, collected my prices, then went into the realm. then like 2 minutes later, i nexus’d, and the thing had updated, so i got prices for 2 days in a matter of minutes.
I believe the thing resets at 4:00 pm PST.


I can confirm


It’s really weird. I can claim it on my main at 4:00 PST (0:00 UTC), but for some reason, I have to wait 2 additional hours to claim it on my mules :confused:


inb4 ban


Why is having a mule a bannable offense?


Mules aren’t bannable though… are they?