RotMG Inspired Game Development!


Dodge completely negates incoming damage. The player will receive a quick visual effect showing they dodged, and the offending projectile will pass through them.


wow imagine not using scratch…

EDIT: that might sound kinda rude if you don’t know what scratch is so I’m explaining it:
Scratch is this program where you drag and drop blocks of “code” to make a program

it’s a very sophisticated way to code and is used by all of the big game developers


Please refrain from shitposts in this thread, thanks.

I bought a book, currently going through it.


You know, I find this system boring. I’ve played Runescape a bit, and being a merchant using that system is like playing the stock market: you look at graphs and important game announcements to predict which items’ price will rise and which will fall. I personnally find it boring but thats just me. I prefer way more the simpler and more humane way of trading like rotmg’s hand-to-hand exchange. Also you might have to monitor the market for price manipulations and intervene like the devs of RS do.

‘‘fears the return of confused, slowed and quiet’’

:rofl: so I take it you’re not greek…:grin:

Anyway good luck and stay strong, this project looks interesting!


I’ve abandoned Unreal Engine, in lieu of developing my game from the ground up. I want to know how everything works programmatically, instead of staring at a blueprint like system. I’m going to be using OpenGL and SDL2 to handle rendering, and begin the dev process once more. Here’s my current todo file. I’ll post updates as I complete each tier or subsection.


  • Rendering (GLFW, SDL2)
  • Main-Menu
  • Database
  • Registration


  • Collision
  • Input
  • Player Movement
  • Entity Structure
  • Texture
  • Animations


  • Serialization
  • Inventory
  • Player Stats


  • Equipment
  • Projectiles
  • Trading
  • Chat


  • Classes
  • Dungeon Structures
  • Portal/Server Mechanics


  • Occlusion Culling
  • Orthographic Projection
  • Enemies


  • The Nexus
  • The Overworld
  • Death / DC handling


  • Anti-RWT / Anti-Cheat
  • Story, Quests, first dungeons
  • Loot, Loot Tables


  • Expand the Overworld
  • Vaults
  • Guilds
  • Friend System
  • Discord Integration


  • Client updater
  • Account security
  • Open Alpha



After spending the last 4 hours learning how to render a triangle, I might be keen to searching for a game engine again.


Nay! I will not give up this easily! Rendering roadmap! Weeks and weeks of trial and error ahead! I don’t expect to become an expert in a month or even three months, but if I can draw a triangle, I can sure damn try to draw a square, and then multiple squares. Collision even! The camera… is going to be nightmare to learn, even after step 10.

1. Render a shape
2. Render multiple shapes
3. Moving shapes
4. Abstraction of render functions
5. Render an array of shapes
6. Define a coordinate system for rendering the world, the player, UI, etc.
7. Create a placeholder shape for the player
8. Create a main-menu
9. Simple UI for now
10. Render pipeline, priority, and cleaning up code

emotional post, not relevant to game design

Well fuck me then. I’ll just bloody stay here and refrain from interacting with the community. It was bad enough that I lost the regular role, but then these constant damning messages. Not like my fucked life is going peachy. Not like I’m struggling to put food on the table or stay off the streets. Why I can’t have one modicum ounce of respect, I don’t know. Blacklist can just freely insult my intelligence and this community, while I’m punished for defending myself and the exalt client.

Don’t you dare remove this for being off topic. It’s my bloody life. Want some god damn on topic material? I took a break from my C++ trials and tribulations to focus on my programming portfolio. Why? Because I’m no longer employed. Lost my job! In this economy! I have three months of rent saved, and currently in debt. I was depression free for 3, 4 years, but hey, perfect time for it to come back.

Using github pages as a host, so it can only be static… not that I was planning to make a dynamic portfolio, but hey, having the option would’ve been nice. It’s in React, which I’m sort of learning in the process. I knew React Native already, but not React to such an extent. (React Native is built on top of React afaik). I’m about 60% done, the live version is about 15% done, I’ll probably stay up tonight and finish it.

Then I can focus on my physics homework which I’m behind in. And my physics lab, which is in person… more gas to burn while unemployed. Can’t even apply for UI, since I was fired for absences. I have an exam in Calc II on Wednesday. I think I’ll do okay… it’s the later chapters I have trouble with. Currently have a 93% in Calc II, ~95% in physics, and a 90% in physics lab. With no work, I guess I have more free time… but sleep always gets in the way.

Lost my job in the worst way. Had work at 9 am. Went to sleep at 7 pm. Insomnia pursued. Or stress. Woke up at 8:31 pm… went back to bed. 9:30, 11:20, 1, 3, 5, 6… should’ve gotten ready at 6, but then 10:30. I was so stressed over waking up on time, I exhausted myself, despite the time I did sleep.

And lucky me, I was already on the deep end with my store manager. I haven’t been fired officially, I have to go into to my next scheduled day, which is this Friday. I just don’t know if I have the heart to. Or the funds. I would have to burn gas to get there, get pulled aside, and let go. Then drive back home. I loved working there. It was retail hell, but the team members treated me so nicely. Most of them.

I’m scared of seeing the people that cared about me. Their disappointment. I don’t even know what to say. The truth? The emotional baggage I carry? Should I shut up, say I’m fully responsible, act stoic, and then never see them again? “Professional”.

What the fuck does Blacklist know? He fucking claimed to be a RWT trader afterwards. Made fun of me for claiming I was a programmer. I’m not some Fortune 500 Senior Programmer who makes enough to live comfortably. I’m some fuck all student going to school who struggles with Calculus, trying to fill their resume with bullshit to get hired, and is struggling during the pandemic.

Friendships have all but dwindled. Social distancing and all that. I sometimes talk to my roommates, sometimes visit my parents two, three, four times a month. Mitochondria, my in game guild used to be active, but it’s dead again.

I just feel stuck in my life. I’ve been on/off community college for 4 years now. Most students only spend 2 years, and they’re out of town for brighter pastures.

I’m the dumbest smart person you’ll ever meet. I have aspirations for being a programmer and nuclear physicists, with an emphasis on nuclear power, and here I am, stuck taking Calc II for the second time Living in the tiniest apartment I could find in Southern California, emotionally broken.

Somehow I’ll get past this. My motivation, my determination, it’s not a flowing river. It’s not this unstoppable force. It’s a constant sputter. If you let a gardening hose run (with clogged drains), it can eventually flood a house.

If the programming job search ends in failure (which it will likely do, since I don’t even have an associates yet), I’ll try for nearby retail jobs. Target, that sort of thing.

If the retail job search ends, and my savings account runs dry, then I’ll have to disappoint my parents more, and ask them for not only money, but to move back in with them. But I won’t be homeless. I just don’t enjoy the constant fighting that occurs in that home. It can drive a man crazy.

Anyways. I’ll respond back in a week or so, detailing how things went at work, and if I was able to render multiple shapes and move them about.


Hey man we respect you on this forum. Your first post was removed for being off topic which it was it wasint the post that brought the topic off the rails nut nother the less its off topic. The second one had you telling someone to fuck off. Those should just be expected to be flagged.

Blacklist recieved punishment, you recieved offtopic flags. I hope things get better for you I’m in a pretty similar spot myself though I’m not smart so you’ve got that on me.


Sorry about that… I just don’t have a place to vent really. In happier news, now that my emotions are a little more regulated…

Just finished my portfolio website, and I’m going to redo my resume/cv tonight after a nap. General thoughts, criticisms, etc. are appreciated.


I wish I had more helpful feedback, but the website seemed very neat to me! I wish you the very best of luck with your search!


Man I wish I could code :frowning:

Most I can do is get through codecademys Javascripts beginner tutorial (did this last week). gonna go through it again to see if I can get through it now without needing hints/view solution

web site looks awesome and clean


When I grow up I want to be a game developer/programmer, so me too!


Perfectly fine, I wish you the best of luck regardless :slight_smile:


@Shatter too,

Here’s some awesome resources for programming. College level material for free. Ignore the hacking stuff for now. And youtube tutorials are your best friends… but discords and stack exchange / optimized googling are your partners.

Coding Discord:



School is over, the pandemic still rages, and I’ve picked up this project again! I’ve come a bit into my progress into understanding graphic engines, and I’m going to actually focus on making my own engine. I’ll shortly be making a singular triangle again. Then a plane, followed by a camera, wasd movement, and a map system for tile loading/unloading (view frustum culling).

Before I can really jump into the fun stuff, it’s memory management, making a main menu, options, and server/client architecture. Still fairly new to C++, but I’ll keep you guys posted!

EDIT: I made a box… with two triangles. “Followed by a camera” he said. Turns out there’s a fair bit between step one and two!

EDIT 2: Electric Boogaloo!


So you are using what to make that triangle? I probably want to do graphics too sometime, but don’t know what to use so I started to keep reading this C++ book to find out if possible. I’ll be finished in 10 - 20 days with the book and may look at something else in it if useful.

I failed a C++ class because the grading system was bad. There was only one category called assignments. However I got up until before polymorphism as practice and got through my first object-oriented hardship which was worth it. I still feel sort of incomplete as some things just didn’t get done, but yeah I did my fundamentals almost good enough and am still learning onward.

I don’t use Unreal because it’s loaded with way too many key terms that it all doesn’t make sense. Like a fully-bloated scripting API which has like terms and gets over your head and hits it hard. That is not the ANSI C way and neither is it assembly language, it’s worse, so no wonder they use blueprints to disguise the code it’s unmanageable like instead of 240 key terms it looks like over 1000 key terms which are all too similar and detailed to a point you can’t distinguish what does what at first glance. Totally not good for a person who just started. I would rather be taught the way to code in Unreal rather than learn on ones own since that would take way too long to parse through all those terms and descriptions, it’s fairly like a book already but without the differences. You’ll feel recursive in your thoughts and will think: I didn’t do it right, how do I do it. Unreal Engine C++ Scripting API in a big nutshell. So that is good you’re considering making your own engine as you may be making something more understandable to the average C++ programmer unlike Unreal Engine.



I’ve been learning the basics using this amazing guide:
I’ve currently started understanding how to set up a camera and setup vector space. After I develop a rudimentary load/save system, I’ll start on serialization. I don’t think I’ll touch the player class for some time.


While I’m tackling OpenGL, my lack of C++ knowledge is hurting my progress. Going to spend the next 6 to 8 weeks strengthening it first.


Mad respect, I wouldn’t even know where to start with making my very own engine. Just curious have you tried frameworks like MonoGame before?