

I didn’t get to see him eat the peppers, but I tried to make him eat more < .>


@Shatter Do you love me?

  • Yes
  • Of course
  • Why wouldn’t we?
  • I wish I could love you more
  • You’re the best person I know

0 voters


voted for “I wish…” because thats the only thing that could be interpreted as no


@Shatter Will you give me free items pl0x?


Same @Shatter
can i hae fri itenzz


No. I will not give you free items.


@shatter can I give you free items?


@Shatter whats your middle name


Jason ‘shatter’ shatter


It’s Pierre I think


People already know my last name so i’m good skipping that one.


fair enough.

Favorite class?


Currently, wizzy


@Shatter got any other hobbies than rotmg/rotmg forums?


Going on late night strolls with friends from 2 am to 7 am, though it’s not a hobby

other then that, no


@shatter can u teach me how to shatters better(cant do third for shit)


@GHZD can



@Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter why do you never wear your @Shatter s rings?


I wear them on realmeye for that realm eyecandy.

I rather use UBHP


How do sex?