

This question will all relate to the new fanfiction, no worries…@shatter


how can you write so much xD


I’m not writing to my full extent. So the writing I’m doing now is very limited v -v


Please write a story what you think is long and force him to read the whole thing.


The thing with that is, I remember shatter saying he usually skims through lines. He said with the story I posted on that thread, he was able to read 80-90% of it…

@Shatter what made that story interesting to you?


it had @RMGnoob in it. I like rmgnoob


Ohh, I see :wink: :wink:
Mmhmm. I know exactly how this next, extra long fanfiction is going to turn out.


@Shatter Did you get that white star by fame training a whole bunch?




Racking up notifications, @Shatter


Only 3 classes were trained more then 50% (assassin huntress, rogue). I would have white by now either way anyway


@Shatter @ShatterBro @Shatter @Shatter @Shatter


@Shatter did not answer my shattering question

How many Shatters does it take to shatter a Shatter?


yeah @shatter ?


i…i dont know


@Shatter 1v1 me Dark Souls 3 only


just got on to try out the DLC, don’t wanna PVP


@shatter how do you spell shatter?



like that


k thanks i had no idea