

@Shatter how do you feel about this thread being bumped right before it would have died?


He’s trying super hard not to ban Nameness.

@Shatter What’s your usual daily notification count?


on a normal day 5-15 id say.


It was, I already knew you could ping yourself


@Shatter would you rather this thread be called the shatter game, or shattering shatter?

  • Shatter
  • The Shatter Game
  • Slowly Shattering Shatter

0 voters


How did this thread get so many comments?


@Shatter why aren’t you replying?


@Shatter do you keep this thread open because you like to get notifications?


you know it! (nah)

Yeah idk, but it’s pretty much dead now


@Shatter Why are you using CSilk on your Archer?


@Shatter Do you want to become a landfish IRL? I know a guy


He can just transfer his soul to his maxed blobby pet using black magic

Why would you be a landfish IRL when you can be one in RotMG ?

Would like to be one IRL as long i keep my heal & mheal and is not irreversible. He’s in a relationship if i remember.


shatter whats your opinion on edibles i made some yesterday


Send em


when i was younger i was used to make them a lot because i worked at a bakery so it kind of just worked out

these ones were 300mg so kind of strong it guess it depends on what you consider a lot though


@Shatter tell us the story of the slurp & blobby (the irl ones)


@shatter how long have you gone without sleep


@Demonseye Not to much to tell my guildy Lucy crocheted them and sent them to me cause Lucy’s awesome.

@Twitchystr Longest was 64 hours with 3 work shifts.


@Shatter I really wanted to ping you right now



Saw your inc muledump… can I buy some of those? Just died and looking to start up a new pet.