


Edit: oh wait thats US/Canadian


why is it 12?


Shoe size is 12. May be different measurement through countries idk


@Shatter how many t-shirts you have?


Um… a lot and I’m not home so I can’t count :frowning:


You better count when you are D:<


Haha will do.


@Shatter What’s your bra size?


Negative A




@Shatter how often do you shave your beard?


I don’t let much grow at all so every 2 or 3 days. Looks awful


@Shatter what kind of car you have?


2004 Porsche cayenne


whats your dream car


2004 porsche cayman :stuck_out_tongue:


What’s your engine size?


4.5 v8


Automatic or manual? If automatic I’ll think your car has quite good acceleration.

