Shaxasno's Photo Album!


xD xD xD xD
how bout dis one xD xD xD


It still look Horrible!


oh goodā€¦

heā€™s dead anyways xD


hmm; iā€™ll keep that in mind lol. i have fps problems too.


heā€™s talking about the fps.


I dont know what Fps is! xo


uhhhhh. itā€™s frames per second. and if you donā€™t know what that is, someone else explain. its hard ish to explain especially when typing.


Basically shax, you are getting about 38 frames per second out of 60. That is mediocre, fps is how many times your computer refreshes the screen in a second. So how smooth your game runs. If you download fp18 and give it a try itā€™ll probably be a lot smoother because 23 and 24 are awfully laggy


Ohhhā€¦I get it! The game seemed to be running fine for me, but I havenā€™t officially played with the newly installed flashplayer 18 to see which one worked better


its ok shax, even though i want to go into computer science, i know very little about fps and my comp specks :cry:



XO Images of a browser story was flashing through my mind and I had to push them towards the very back of my head.


can you upload more photos?


sheā€™ll prob have less now, b/c she finally found adobe flash, so she can actually play the game now.


Lol, thatā€™s kinda true. I will still try and take in game pictures when ever possible! Iā€™m trying out screen recording video software so maybe I will add in videos inside here even < .>


ur a girl


yes she is. a lot of people were surprised when they first found out. me too.


i couldnā€™t imagine shax as a guy.


Iā€™m obviously a Very Manly male. How can you not imagine the Humongous beard that I have, and the hairy legs and what not?


b/c guys dont talk like that.