Shaxasno's Photo Album!


wait does what?

when i come back like 16 hours later, i tend to have like 70


Do you usually get like 13 new notifications after just 1 hour?


i wanted the 50 lieks because i saw people trying to get it when reading through
so i liked all your posts, because they all had like 5 likes


I’m not He or Her. The HeirOfOryx is someone not to be questioned!~


But of course!

######I still call you she. :stuck_out_tongue:


How about “it”?


I’m wondering if I should add those gangster glasses on top of his eyes…


conspiracy theory: His “eyes” are actually his nares


…This is making me see the Dijinn in a whole new way…good thing this is just a theory…


Choosing between @RMGnoob and @Imurah.


Sate has been playing with my heart! Xaklor has real proof of Sate saying how he wants I and him to part, but in voice chat when I confronted him, he said he was only joking…the relationship can’t be this way! I’ve already parted with…him…


:o maybe “that could change his life forever” refers to someone else’s life to be changed. Like, @Shaxasno can’t choose @Imurah, but choosing @RMGnoob would change RMGnoob’s life forever because shax would be stalking him 24/7.


actually, his life would be changed forever because he would be extremely upset because @Shaxasno would cheat on him every 2 days, and she would come up with some random excuse and he would forgive her.


Why do you think I would dare “Cheat” on any of my many lovers!? Nonono, if Rmgnoob was to enter into my world, he would know everything I do, Everything! xo


I feel like a medusa meme would be better.


Just a heads-up, Imurah (germ/sate) has changed his name to GermOP. Idk if he’s changed it on the forums yet but that’s his name now


Aha, good to know, thanks.


You said the answer right there!


Shax, it says he in your thing.


You meant, the “self proclaimed heir of oryx” since I dont see you swigging all of his wine. Wait… maybe that’s why you are so weird!!! EXPOSED