Should I unlock mystic?


People keep saying to me that mystic is a good class but i don’t see why. Is there any incentive to play mystic without a good pet? I know that stasis, curse, and the berserk boost can be good, but it feels like you can ruin a lot of people’s gameplay using stasis.


Yeah you should.

Because mystic is the most fun class in the game. RotMG is only fun when you play mystic. Otherwise it is just mindless grinding. Time-passing, sure, but not exactly entertaining.


how can mystic be fun?


You’d have to play it to find out.

Ez unlock. Just fame train.


Mystic is my personal favorite class, but I have an OP pet so I don’t know how it is for people without good pets.
But even so I feel like a rare pet, maxed or not, should be enough to effectively use the mystic,

And while the stasis can annoy other people when used incorrectly, it is an incredibly powerful tool for rushing and controlling enemies.
But the trick to playing mystic is to know the different ranges of the orb, so you can curse without stasising. Once you get that down mystic can pretty much do anything.


no character slots


Don’t worry. Don’t suicide either though. Just wait till you die.


I never die anymore because i only play priest and I play safe


Then you won’t ever unlock it I guess. But if you have the chance, you should do it.


You don’t HAVE to stasis.

It’s not the stasis that makes Mystic powerful, it’s the player.

That’s what makes Mystic so well-designed, and so different from the other classes. Playing Mystic requires conscious strategy and decision-making, unlike more popular classes like Wizard or Knight (or any other class, although Trickster is an exception like Mystic, because its ability is not one-dimensional or strictly beneficial either). It’s very easy to find a bad Mystic, but it’s very hard find a bad Wizard or Knight.


guess i will never unlock sorcerer as well :frowning:


You should play pally. Pretty cool class.


Yes mystic is the best class in the game


nicely explained like always! bookmarked for future reference!


You should not, mystic is generally just that class for trolling or getting your white star for. I would say, scrap it, make a Knight or maybe a Dbow Archer


There was this one funny clip I was gonna dig up where two friends were doing a WC, and the knight totally failed his friend but I couldn’t find it. Anyways I had a good laugh at least.

Mystic is potentially the strongest rusher in the game, if you know what you’re doing. Have you seen those mystic switch rush clips on YouTube? To me, not only is there a lot of trust between the mystic and whoever’s tagging along (adrenaline of saving friend and yourself), but it also seems very satisfying to have a coordinated rush and cleanly take out switches like that.

Misleading question (or your definition of “good” is vastly different from mine, haha):

And that’s exactly why mystic has, and is known for its trolling capabilities. Events used to be stasisable, now they’re not. Trolls are going to troll, but that doesn’t mean you have to be one.

Tbh, I didn’t really like mystic for godlands farming, and since I had a dank wizard, it felt measly in comparison. I especially disliked the “aim, aim, oh-shiet-gotta-berserk-and-curse,-time-to-put-mouse-close-to-character, aim, aim” side of playing mystic but I think you’ll have tons of fun playing with friends.


Ay, Sorcerer is a great class, and is personally my favourite. If you ever get a Scepter of Fulmination, be sure to try it out with the Sorc. This, paired with a decent pet, allows for so much fun, as you can hit enemies from really far away. It is definitely a different style of play, but something worth trying out (especially if the game begins to feel dry:)


fuck i fed like 10 of them


Understandable, as they have a high feed power. If you do ever get another one (or have spare), might be worth considering to try out!