The Death Thread


Christmas Tree Pet Skin


yinyarn is the reason i played too much this weekend.
i wanted to play with him.
rip the robbie rotten trix tho :frowning:


Rest in Piece Moneynatsu’s 2/8 sorc, full lab set, and cwand, instad in an oryx castle :frowning: ;(


You put such good gear on 2/8 :0


Rip 8/8 While Rushing to Avatar I got confused and ran straight into him, and died from the stacked damage in a span of 2 seconds.


rip feelsbadman


hence why i dont do avatars, i also learned that lesson.


If I get confused at Ava, it’s usually time to Nexus. Alternatively, chill in the same spot w/out moving or smacc dat left key


This death was extra stupid




Any maxed char death in Manor is pretty stupid imo. Was running around like a confused idiot (“rushing”), didn’t have HP ring on like I usually did for Priest. Got ambushed by a few dogs and smacked heal button a second too late. At least I hadn’t put a backpack on yet, heh…


Not necessarily. If your maxed dex you can die easily.


wha? so when you increase your dex, you can die more easily?


well, i’m back here now

i should stop sitting on fire bombs


no, he was trieing to say that maxing dex doesnt increase survivabilty


not me, but found it intriguing


Story Time: Me and my 2 other friends go into the shatters and begin to stay back. All is well, everything is fine and dandy. Then, death came swiftly. Some paladin, don´t know if on purpose or accident dragged almost every enemy into the next room on all three of us, and all three of us were insta-popped.

Know I know im not supposed to do the shatters unill im 2/8, but still, kinda a jerk move dude.

Anyway, R.I.P my level 20 knight which I was farming speed on.


RIP my first ever 7/8 char. Really enjoyed being able to solo everything and get tons of loot. Got too overconfident at a sphinx and got shotgunned by the “You cannot hide from this!” phase.


Wait, do people actually look at this or am I saying sad things to no one?

Anyway, fun story here:
Just today I received a notification that someone +1’d my comment on a Noxe video from a year or so back, this is the story of the comment and ensuing stuff-ness

Video was about the getting of dbows and such
Anyway, I asked how many UDLs it took for the dbow, got the answer: 43
Thus, I set out to do an epic quest to complete 43 UDLs
Completed many on assassin for some reason, probably because I maxed it at level 20 with 20 fame, wanted some fame on it.
UDL 28, done
But of course, no death story can be complete without, well… death.
So, finished number 28, wrote a little tally mark on my piece of paper (hell yeah I’m cool)
Teleported to the glands
To a certain class
Died before I could even fire the neurons to press the nexus key
sad times

Posted the above image in a reply to my YouTube comment about starting my epic quest.
A year and a half later, some absolute savage likes it so I have to relive the pain.

Maybe if I had maxed life I would have lived, oh well, imma keep maxing mana first

Anyway just posting this for the nostalgia, this was a pretty good time in realm for me.
First and only shatters white was on that assassin
I absolutely loved that warrior on the right, highest BF to date (however that might change unless I die ofc)
Had like 3 characters all with the full puppet cloths

pretty good meme for a guy who doesnt play much realm

No, I never 8/8’d the warrior. It got to 3040 base with 8 life left to max… I was too lazy to buy life, since for once I was making other characters instead of no-lifing one.
It died rushing an abyss.
I hate myself.


(Who cares if it wasn’t maxed)
I had a pally with totally trash gear and stats.
I soloed encore.
I soloed trench.
I soloed goddamn ice cave.
Then I see my guild mates running through the center of Janus burst and surviving.
I take a try.
0/8 :wink:

(Too lazy and sad to load up the image of the death or Realmeye grave. Look it up yourself.)