The Death Thread


Why would you put a CroDirk??? On a 4/8???
Also, what’s with the Leaf armor?
What kind of messed up Rogue is this?!


I feel so humiliated by this death, it’s not even funny. I almost started cussing and crying at the same time, but I didn’t because I would’ve gotten in huge trouble. This was one of my best characters, one of the characters that had my FIRST DOOM BOW (screenshot below). And before anyone criticizing me about this being a death that was totally my fault, I know that. It was my fault. Well, not technically, because it was a purple bag that tempted me to my death. I’m tempted to quit the game now that I died, but that would be out of an act of rage, and I don’t want to do that.
The only thing that makes me happy about this death is that I got to the red star, which was a goal I’ve been trying to re-achieve for a huge amount of time (long story). At least that’s one success that I can celebrate about.

Oh, one more thing? GIMME UR CONDOLENCES!!


EDIT: My star is red.


Log out, then re login.



On the bright side...

RNGesus: You puny mortals deserve to die.




Rip. Moved to community hub and added in brackets [Dead] because I thought ‘gone’ referred to a bug.

@moderators merge with Death Thread?


Dude dont sad, i lost my archer with dbow, and i havent even lv20 yet, killed by medusa, my death was worth raging than you so yeah, check my realmeye graveyard, thats like my 3rd dbow


Don’t do sad kids


One huge advice : purple bags are not worth a lot, so don’t rush to them like this.



I know that feeling, I lost a 5/8 archer with dbow (my first) trying to kill Killer Pillars solo and rushing them (totally my fault) well, RIP your archer and RIP my archer


so deaths with a story to it is so special that it deserves its own thread?!



we can have 1000 deaths threads now…


[No, we can’t. Merged with Death Thread. OB]


first time getting that

@OtherBill yes, i was aware, just making @OryxYeti understand :stuck_out_tongue:


Died on two max chars decided to wipe all my max chars. Probably quitting like I’ve been wanting to for a long time. Also, this community sucks, they hold no respect for others and spew the most unfunny overused memes ever.


so true.

rip farewell stranger


Are the name pshopped or are the names under the graves moved by the oryx shakes?


Probably the latter


They are indeed Oryx shakes.


This death is pretty funny actually. Our guild sucks at shats, but we joined derviation for shats, i went with a guildie. I dont die in the guild shats which was dirty as fck, but i died in that shats. But the ironic part is, my guildie was the one that killed me.