The Death Thread


50% higher fire rate is indeed the coolest thing on classes that can max out at 75 dex without equipment c,:


well hey when i was a noob someone “discovered” godlands and began hoarding t6 stuff, and me and like 50 other people were trying to find them. i was so happy when found my obsidian dagger. im like “bro this dagger is sick. totally op” and to be honest, that 50% plus fire rate is what hit me the most.


Sometimes I’d stumble across a key death in someone’s graveyard and think “wow, that sucks, but it’s easily avoidable”. Now I know them feels.

Another one bites the dust. Only 12 fame away from another “Class Quest Completed” too smh


The jugg was 7/8 max life, I could perma buff, but cpu died or some crap and I died.

and all of the meeles had pixies in inv


Rest in peace, warrior normal and platinum warrior. You were both 8/8, both died on the same day of max stat-ed-ness.

Screw you Geb.


Welp, I figured I mind as well post here, the horrifc tales of my stupidity. As I don’t die much, but when I die I either die b/c of my ignorance/stupidity or I simply pop in seconds. Well either way, here is the parables of TylerJake, a realmers story.

Well here are the first victims, the most recent deaths. inhales, exhales

*The Wizard, a fresh char, died during the udl event, when I decided to bring out for a bit to show off it’s flashy set and 3/8 stats. Sadly my glory didn’t last long however, when I ran over 2 traps and survived somehow on 28 hp, to then get picked off by a blue ghost AoE bomb.

*The Huntress was another fresh char, which died from good ol’ Glacius in the ice tomb. Glacius was the last boss alive on rage in the ice tomb, and no one in our massive ~20 people group could kill him, so I decided to be brave and go in. Needless to say that didn’t end well, as I backed off into his shotgun which I couldn’t see through the crowd of people.

One thing to say about this and that is, DO NOT do a dirty af public tomb on a ninja, when you are tired at 2:00 AM in the morning after a Thanksgiving Party…

Well since I have to leave, I can’t post anymore. I shall add more tomorrow if I remember. Have with these deaths as you will. ;(
Ripperoni my pepperoni 2016-2017




rip my fav char so far :\ kinda amateur ik but i felt like i was actually getting somewhere. decided to solo an abby and walked directly into a group of demons of the abyss, insta killed and had no time to nexus ): rip


RIP @DroidMXBro, died in own WC just now.


just saying “lol” is flaggable (just a tip, no critism intended, I dont see a problem with it)


I never got around to uploading these from the GM Pup Encore event in December til now. RIP.






Puppet Master’s Encore Portal Spawn Event (Dec 10 to Dec 11)

When you try to get soulbound damage in but you’re on low health.


rip me


I still didn’t know you could max stats at that point


Well I died on my birthday (Tuesday), I was like lol what if I die again (died last year on birthday too, and year before) (These were all maxed chars for rebuilding, as in I don’t have anymore chars) and boom deca lag up the good ole bum hole and rip me and my friend.


i wouldn’t be very happy if i died on a maxed char and the other person is like ‘lel xd’


I would be happy if they surrounded it and worshiped it :^)


tru dat


im bad

edit: just died again :confused: … i was 5/8 i think.

look at the separation of the characters fame/stat maxed.


hey, at least you HAVE 8/8’s

** sadly looks at my one 7/8 death* *