The Death Thread


some people like using their weapons, also some people have like 1 vault so they can only store a certain amount of things.



why do u play on flash 23?


damn never 1/8?


Yup, still trying.



I feel bad for these children… They’re probably never entering a sewer ever again. They died at the EXACT same time in the same exact spot (1 despawned)


kid died to beer god while gship fight @polak


welp guess its time to say goodbye


greater pit snake tho


Pit snake tho.


Yeah, 8/8 melee killed by pit snakes is quite rare.


hey! that cdirk death is just like mine
we should be friends /s


I watched him do that, he mush have given up on realm because he was selling ST items for t2 abilities to make people run around midlands to find them


Lol, if we’re ever on realm at the same time maybe we can run some stuff together. Glad to see I’m not alone though :stuck_out_tongue:


Tried to run over sentinel. Did not work



gotta go fast


rip my boi Kipersnack, tried rushing Oryx for the first time ;-; once he uses the forums he will be remembered

2/8 and rank 15? not bad


its even better because we’re dormmates and i got him hooked and now hes sulking around his room at his 4th maxed death


@Bazookax - somebody called it a “safe spot”.

@Krakouna - died to a bad godlands TP.

@Savadorl - in WC.

@ThunerCat - in WC.