The Death Thread


Let us all commemorate @Xaklor!


if you’re trying to celebrate my death, do it here. if you’re celebrating my yellow star do it where I posted it.





got a little greedy in ice cave…keep on getting these dead wizards with almost but not quite 800 total fame :frowning:


Rip :frowning:


Well R.I.P my first 7/8. I was doing Janus so I could do some encores and after Janus died, the game lagged and I rubberbanded and when the lag was done “Key Of Light” Popped my 7/8 knight. I lost acclaim, acrop, collosus, and pixie :frowning:


My Best Character’s :slight_smile:


So I was playing realm right. Then my mom tells me we’re getting pizza so I go down stairs to check out if we have any coupons. Well I don’t really remember what happened but I guess I just afk’d at the beach or something and forgot because pizza. Normal stuff right? fuck no. I get back and boom!

yeah fuck you you motherfucker. pieces of shit dragged on my freshly made 7/8 (no vit). If I knew who dragged on me I would fukin assault them and steal all their money. Archer was a shit class but I would have much rather killed this character myself. fuck this stupid game.

1 pizza = 1 character


RIP @TriskoP probably got armor broken and sat on by insect minions


No need to be rude.


Thats a legit client Its just strange seeing it like that on 100% with full screen on adobe flash player


I trust you. I had that same problem.


did you actually thik that was a hacked client or something? I thought you were joking…

ok good…



We’re getting off-topic.


#Time for a story, kids!

Once upon a time, there was a mystic, who was poor. She had no money, no potions, no nothing. Recently, after her brother, the paladin, went farming, and after tons of begging, the paladin finally agreed to lend 8 life (under the condition that she repaid him). She got the entire Mystic ST set, and felt quite overpowered! Now, this was during the Bella event. The mystic went into the garden at level 1, got to level 20, and attained quite a lot of fame. Feeling cocky one day, she decided to go in deep so she could feel proud and rub it in to her brother. Little did she know, she was literally on top of a red flower. In less then a second, a ton of bella buds came and literally assaulted her. Her health dropped to 150, but she refused to give up. She had to prove that she was better then her brother. She stayed, and decided to go in yet again. It was unfortunate, that she only had 142 MP. You see, the orb costs 150 MP to use. So she literally ran in (hoping to at least statis the buds and give herself berserk), and…


The death sound came, and the player was left awestruck.

It was a disappointing death, really.

@Selimmm @Edwardidk updated story!


I never knew that…
srsly, wtf?!? why would it cost that much??


Because it gives Beserk and Speedy.

It’s OP if it weren’t for the MP cost.


um. Conflict gives damaging and speedy, and it only costs 100 mp. and damaging > berserk…

Oh I didn’t know that. But still, 150 mp?? that’s just waay too much…


Conflict has a cdown, but this doesnt