The Farewell Thread


Goodbye. I am officially done with ROTMG for many reasons but the main reason I’m quitting is because I died on my first and only 8/8. I was lagging and when I was in a pub shats, I was clearing switches for second. I was in the tunnel thing with the brown walls. I shot one and walked forward when I instantly died. I did not know how I died until my guild mate told me that I walked onto a stone mage. I was lagging so I did not see the stonemage. I will probably stay on forums but quit the game.

After I died, I was triggered and dumb. I decided to try to rebuild a priest, but I was dumb.
i also had a conducting wand on.

With all of DECA’s lag and their new triggering event chest, this has pushed me to quit this fun game. Thank you for helping me when I started, and being nice to me.
ps: can anyone help me? my archer death didn’t show up on my realmeye graveyard.
[edit] the graveyard link is here.



I just died on my new priest. ;-;
The fire wyverns surrounded me in a lag and I was instantly surrounded by embers! RIP…
The lag is real… I can’t let the evil win…


dis is why i check net jitter and chat spd :v


@moderators possibly a merge, farewell thread or the death thread?

A death sucks, 0/8 or 8/8, but don’t take your frustration out on the lag, learn to play with it and you’ll be a better player. We all know how addicting RotMG can be… you’ll be back :wink:


sigh, when will people finally start useing existant threads


We shall never know…

I used the battlestation thread; PRAISE ME!


I guess you didn’t mean to say this:


but this:



Double post?


If, by the grace of God, you see this somehow, I miss your face.

and, several sweet messages for me when I "quit"

and finally, quite possibly the biggest tearjerker of them all :frowning:
I fed my one and only Conflict Orb I looted from Skull Shrine to make sure I’d have nothing to come back to.


well rip whatever


Play this to the people that are quiting



you play this to them.


Nooooooooooo! Comeback! W-we didn’t get to realm together! Dx


I decided to come back to the game with a poor player experience!


Good! We will meet up sometime soon, then.


I wanna quit after I die on my knight. This game is addicting and all but it’ll be better for me if I quit.




rotmg is the tornado of online games


I think I’ll quit for a while. I know I’ll eventually play again but losing 2 7/8s and 1 8/8 over 3 days just isn’t doing my head well. Plus exams coming up.


yup. I just died. Gonna quit for around a month now