The Forum Achievements Thread


no no no no NOO! Don’t you dare.


the most likes ive ever gotten on one post is 5…at least you got more i think


dude you should see my likes given : likes received ratio…
and those aren’t even spammed likes… or it barely is. i mean my likes given.





That’s a lot! I’m at 22.8k posts read right now xD


Not as great as Shatters “Admired” badge but still.




Just hit 2k likes.

500 more posts read = 50k read.

100 more likes = 1k likes received.


First golden badge <0/ dab

50k posts read <0/ \0> double dab


Getting there. I actually would have loved to see how many liked posts I have.


1 like away from another badge xD


put the link ill like it for u if i can



ok got it !


Thanks a lot!


I managed to like every post here in a single sitting.



So that’s why I got spammed that much in my notifications xD


I nvr thought I’ll get so many likes thanks guys <3


It’s when you give 1000 likes, not received.


Nope talking about the 500 liked post I hit the 1000likes given a long time ago